
Ear Wax Removal Specialist

Ear Wax Removal Specialist services offered in Lake Oswego, OR

Ear Wax Removal

Ear wax buildup can be serious, potentially causing problems like hearing loss, tinnitus, earaches, and ear infections. If you suspect an ear wax blockage, never insert cotton swabs into your ear — it only pushes the ear wax deeper and complicates your problem. The specialists at Lake Grove ENT in Lake Oswego, Oregon, are ear wax removal experts who can safely remove the blockage and preserve your hearing at the office. Book your appointment with online scheduling, or call the office for help now.

What causes ear wax blockages?

Your body produces ear wax naturally. It's a protective substance that helps to lubricate and clean your ears. Healthy ears are self-cleaning. Normally, your ear wax and old skin cells gradually move up from your eardrum to your outer ear as you chew and speak. Then, the ear wax dries and falls out over time. 

But, if you try to dig ear wax out by probing your ear with a cotton-tipped stick, finger, or another object, it usually pushes it further into the ear. That can lead to ear wax impaction. Some people naturally produce a lot of ear wax, which can increase the chance of blockages. 

Narrow ear canals, which may prevent normal ear wax processing, are another possible cause of ear wax blockages.

What are the signs that I need ear wax removal?

You may need professional ear wax removal at Lake Grove ENT if you have the symptoms of ear wax impaction, such as:

  • Earache
  • The feeling of ear fullness
  • Decreased hearing
  • Tinnitus (ringing or other noises in your ear)
  • Ear itching
  • Ear discharge
  • Odor coming from the ear
  • Hot-feeling ear, or other symptoms of an ear infection

Some of these symptoms can also occur with other ear, nose, and throat conditions, so if you suspect an ear wax problem, it's best to book an appointment at Lake Grove ENT as soon as possible.

How does ear wax removal work?

Lake Grove ENT offers a variety of ear wax removal options, including in-office and at-home solutions. Your doctor may prescribe home treatments like ear drops that loosen and soften the impacted ear wax. 

In-office treatments can include irrigation, in which your provider flushes your ears with a water or saline solution. 

For badly impacted ear wax, you may need manual removal. During this procedure, your provider uses a high-powered microscope to view your ear canal. They use tiny tools and suction to extract the ear wax and clear out your ear canals. 

Why are ear swabs so bad for ear wax removal?

Ear swabs might pull some wax out of your ear, so it looks as if they're doing the job well. But, in reality, the swab pushes most of your ear wax backward. That moves the wax down your ear canal and onto your eardrum, where it can cause serious problems, including hearing loss. 

Don’t risk your hearing by removing ear wax on your own. Call the Lake Grove ENT experts or click the online scheduling tool for fast help now.