The Role of Your Thyroid Gland in Your Hormone Health

The Role of Your Thyroid Gland in Your Hormone Health

Many parts of your body are used to help maintain necessary function, but few are more important than the endocrine system to regulate how your body works. This network of glands and organs secretes different types of hormones throughout your body. These signals control many bodily functions, like mood, growth, sexual development, metabolism, and sleep. One gland that plays an important role in your endocrine system is your thyroid gland, located beneath your larynx with two lobes on opposite sides of your windpipe. Let’s look at what your thyroid gland does, how it affects your health, and what conditions you can get if something goes wrong with it.

Residents of the Lake Oswego, Oregon area looking to manage conditions caused by thyroid gland disorders can find help with the team of doctors and experienced medical staff at Lake Grove ENT. Our physician-owned practice offers many options to manage thyroid disorders and many other ear nose and throat conditions.

What does your thyroid gland do?

The glands in your body get their instruction on what functions to perform from the pituitary gland, which is also known as the master gland. It receives instruction from the brain to organize the rest of the system, and it tells the thyroid gland to perform the task of secreting the following hormones:


This hormone controls the calcium and potassium levels in your body, by reigning in the function of osteoclasts, the cells that break down bone and put calcium in your bloodstream. Too much calcium in your blood can weaken your bones leading to a condition known as hypercalcemia.

Triiodothyronine (T3) and Thyroxine (T4) 

This hormone travels to your liver, kidneys, and other organs. Both the T3 and T4 variations of this hormone are responsible for maintaining muscle control, brain function and development, heart and digestive function, bone health, and metabolic rate.

The T3 and T4 hormones use iodine for production, and we normally need about 150 mcg (millionths of a gram) daily to make that happen. This mineral can be found in seafood, but iodized salt is one of the best ways to get a sufficient amount daily.

How does it affect your health?

The hormones secreted by your thyroid control many basic things, like your body’s metabolic energy levels, skin growth, hair growth, nail growth, internal temperature, and heartbeat. In children, the thyroid is vital in brain development and how the body metabolizes food. When working properly, your body uses the energy generated by your metabolic process to maintain proper function just about everywhere. When your thyroid isn’t working properly, it can lead to many complications that can affect your whole body.

What conditions affect it?

Thyroid disorders can happen as a result of an overabundance (hyperthyroidism) or lack of (hypothyroidism) the proper amount of hormones, leading to complications like:

Hyperthyroidism can also be caused by Graves’ disease, which can cause a goiter, or nodules that are overactive in the thyroid. There are a variety of treatment options available for people dealing with thyroid problems, including hormone replacement therapy, antithyroid drugs, and beta blockers.

A properly working thyroid gland is important for your overall health, but if you find yourself dealing with complications from thyroid disorders, help is available. Contact the medical team at Lake Grove ENT to help manage problems with your thyroid or other ear, nose, and throat conditions.

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