Improve the Look and Feel of Your Skin with Hydrafacial

Improve the Look and Feel of Your Skin with Hydrafacial

We rely on our skin for so much; without it, we could not touch things, regulate the temperature of our bodies, grow hair, get protection from bacteria and viruses, or sweat. As the main source of protection from bacteria, viruses, germs, and other environmental threats, it’s important that we keep it in good shape. The appearance of skin conditions like acne, rosacea, psoriasis, and other conditions also affects how other people see us, so good skin is a benefit to your self-esteem and your health.

A multitude of treatments are designed to help the skin, but hydrafacials can help with both keeping it looking good and staying healthy. Let’s find out more about this treatment by looking at what a hydrafacial is, what it treats, and what you can expect from the procedure. 

If you live in the Lake Oswego, Oregon, area and you’re looking for a way to get better skin, the team of physicians at Lake Grove ENT is here to help.

What is a hydrafacial?

Also referred to as hydrodermabrasion, this is the term for the three-step process that works to both improve the appearance of skin and help to treat various dermatological problems. The process itself consists of exfoliating the skin to cleanse and remove dead skin cells, extracting clogged material from pores and hydrating the skin, and finishing with boosters to help with your specific skin problem.

Hydrafacials combine cleansing, treating, moisturizing, and protecting the skin into one treatment. This is also an outpatient treatment, meaning you can come in, get the work done, and resume your day with no hassle. It also works for people of any skin color.

What does it treat?

This method not only helps with improving the tone, texture, and appearance of your skin but its exfoliating properties can be used to treat conditions like:

Acne: Dead skin cells are commonly associated with various types of acne (including blackheads), so this treatment is well suited for helping clear skin.

Rosacea: Unlike other exfoliating treatments, this method is sensitive enough to manage problems with more delicate conditions like rosacea.

Wrinkles and fine lines: The result of this type of skin rejuvenation is the production of more collagen, a protein in skin that can help add firmness to the skin and help reduce signs of aging.

Hyperpigmentation: The treatment can also be customized to manage skin discoloration problems like hyperpigmentation, which can result from many different factors.

What is the procedure?

Here’s what you can expect:

The procedure starts with the use of a vortex-like wand, which exfoliates your skin, clearing out the oil and dirt found deep in pores. The wand also resurfaces the skin to help stimulate collagen production. The vacuum attachment on the wand then extracts all of the dead skin cells and other materials from your pores. Next, a pen-like attachment is used to infuse your skin with a moisturizing solution with antioxidants and other boosters that can help manage targeted skin conditions.

The whole process takes under an hour, and while you can just go back to your day when it is finished, be sure to avoid using exfoliating treatments for a couple of days while the hydrafacial does its work. The frequency of these treatments can vary from every two weeks to every month.

So if you're looking for better-looking, healthier skin, a hydrafacial could be just what you need. If you’re ready to find out what benefits this treatment can offer, make an appointment with the team at Lake Grove ENT today.

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